Scar Cover Up Tattoo Artist Near Me Vancouver BC

While we happen to think that scars can add character, you aren’t too happy with yours. You’re tired of people asking you about it and/or don’t want to look at it in the mirror anymore. You’ve come to the conclusion that a tattoo could do the trick and are now online and searching “scar cover up tattoo artist near me”. If located in the Greater Vancouver BC area there is no better place to come than Sleight of Hand in the heart of the downtown core. Read ahead to find out why.

Why Choose SOH Tattoo When Looking for a Tattoo Artist to Cover Up Your Scar

Tattooists Who Can Work with Complicated Scars

Hypertrophic Scars

Scars that change the pigment of the skin but are not raised are easy enough to tattoo over. It’s essentially the same as doing a traditional cover-up over an unwanted tattoo. Things can be far more complicated when scars protrude from the skin. This occurs when skin creates excessive amounts of collagen while it heals. It results in a thick, widened, and raised scar that remains within the boundary of a serious scrape, burn, cut, or incision from surgery. This type of scar is known as a hypertrophic scar, and they tend to have collagen in a wavy, regular pattern. Hypertrophic scars can recede over time, so ensure that at least a year has passed before getting a tattoo with the sole purpose of covering it up. Otherwise, hypertrophic scar cover-ups require a tattooist who is highly-skilled. It requires someone who is able to create and apply a design that works with raised skin. Sleight of Hand tattooists are among the best in the business (for Vancouver) and are experienced in working with hypertrophic scars.

Keloid Scars

Keloid scars can be more problematic. Unlike hypertrophic scars, they spread beyond the borders of the initial injury and do not regress. The skill level required by a tattooist is essentially the same as with hypertrophic scars, but there is one caveat. If you are predisposed to developing keloids a tattoo may worsen the scar if it is located in the shoulders or the chest (where keloids commonly occur). You will know if you are predisposed to keloids if you have had them form after getting a body piercing or seemingly inconsequential “injury” such as an insect bite, acne, an injection, mild burn, and even minor scratches and bumps.  If you don’t appear to be prone to keloids, but have experienced it once where your current scar is located, you can likely proceed with your tattoo.

Blackwork Tattoo Artist = Scar Cover Up Tattoo Artist

Blackwork tattoos are typically the most effective style of tattooing for any form of cover up, including for scars. The deep, dark black tone can completely hide an unsightly (as you see it) scar. SOH Tattoo has one of Vancouver’s top blackwork tattoo artists on staff (view bio). Request blackwork specialist, Erik, when completing your appointment booking here.

Cover Up Not Possible? Make it Work with the Design

In some rare cases (i.e. a large raised keloid) a cover-up may not be possible. If so, a skilled tattooist can create a design that works with and around the scar to either make it significantly less noticeable. Or, the tattooist can work with you to come up with a design that has some fun with the scar, such as a horror themed tattoo. If the latter sounds like an interesting option you’ll be pleased to know that our blackwork specialist Erik is also Vancouver’s top horror tattoo artist!

Let’s get started with your scar cover-up tattoo by scheduling a FREE consultation at our downtown Vancouver studio.



CALL: 604-336-9177


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Sleight of Hand

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