There’s nothing more important than being a parent. You’re certainly proud to be one, and as such you want to get a tattoo that symbolizes your position in the household. That said, you’re stuck for ideas which is why you’ve hopped online in search of inspiration. We’ve got you covered, with a trio of concepts that you’ll always look upon fondly.

3 Tattoo Ideas and Inspirations for Parents that You’ll Never Regret

Your Child’s Name

We assume that you love the literal name of your child, seeing as you’re the one who chose the monicker in the first place. All ribbing aside, getting their name tattooed is a meaningful idea that is easy to execute. You simply need to choose the font you prefer, pick a part of your body to get it placed on, and book your tattoo consultation. Need help deciding on placement? The wrist appears to be the most popular for mothers, while fathers tend to go with the upper arm or over the heart (chest). Have a look at our guide to tattooing text on your body for further insight.

Your Baby’s Footprint

Did you celebrate the birth of your child by getting their footprint tattooed back when their toes were the size of peas? Then you’ve got the perfect tattoo idea for parents. Take a digital copy of your baby’s footprints to your tattooist and get it placed on a part of your body where all can see. It’s an adorable option!

One of Their Drawings

You have drawers full of drawings and scribbles from when your kids were little (or even if they still are). You look upon them every once and awhile and a massive smile draws across your face. This is the same kind of reaction you want when looking upon your up and coming tattoo. Getting a tattoo of one of your child’s drawings is a unique and original tattoo idea for parents. The more playful, silly, and Crayon-esque the better. It could be a family portrait where you’re all drawn as stick-figures, or some finger-painted abstract that has been pulled from their vivid imaginations. Not only is this a fun idea, it’s one that will make your child beam with pride when they see you’ve immortalized their art on your body. This will get you some serious parenting points!


We hope we helped you decide upon a tattoo design that gets you excited to get it done. If you’re ready to move forward and you’re in the Greater Vancouver area you can schedule a consultation at our downtown studio today.

Written By:

Sleight of Hand

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