Gratitude Tattoo Ideas


“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” (Eckhart Tolle)

Do you consider the quote above to be words to live by? Even if you do, you also know that it can be a challenge to maintain the mantra in your thoughts and actions. As life’s events unfold you may find that anxiety, stress, depression, anger, and envy rear will their head from time to time. As a result, you have decided to take a more tangible step to expressing more gratitude – via a tattoo. A tattoo is most certainly a permanent reminder to always be thankful for what you have in life. We could not agree more. But how should you convey gratitude through body art? Below are some ideas to consider.

Four Tattoo Concepts That Will Help You Express Greater Gratitude in Your Life

The Word

This is the most literal, practical, yet possibly the most impactful option. There is nary a more powerful word than “gratitude” so let that be the tattoo. It doesn’t need to be in small simple plain text for the wrist. If you want something more dramatic you can choose a sweeping or downright whimsical font that can cover an entire area of your body, such as the upper back or chest. With the right tattoo artist the possibilities are endless, even for just one word.

A Quote

Do you want something a little larger than one word, but like the idea of using scripture as the foundation of your tattoo? Then use one of the hundreds of established quotes about gratitude. You can either pick the one that we referenced in the introduction, or perform an online search to find one that connects to you. Once you have the perfect passage, be sure to reference our guide for where to tattoo a quote.

Someone Who You Are Grateful For

Whether a friend, family member, or companion, there is a special person  in your life that you are forever grateful for. Anyone who has been instrumental in shaping you into the amazing person you are today is a great candidate. While you can go full-on portrait (great for patriarchs/matriarchs) with the concept, it may simply be their name, or something that directly symbolizes who they are. The more personal the better.

Keep in mind that the “special someone” needn’t be a relation of social connection. For instance, the person that influenced your chosen path for the better could be an iconic individual from history. Examples could be Shakespeare, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, Leonardo DaVinci (or DiCaprio, if you like).

Your Passion

Your passion is what makes you happy. Some are fortunate enough to enjoy their passion as a part of their profession, while for others it provides an escape from the more challenging parts of their life. Whether it’s founded in the arts, athletics, a hobby, or some other endeavor this passion of yours is something that you are exceedingly grateful for. For this reason it can translate to a tattoo design that you will never regret. It will serve as a visual reminder and motivator to always follow your dream. This is especially important if doing so will help you leave behind that parts of your existence that tend to make you feel less thankful. Remove the latter from the equation by following your passion and you will live a forever grateful existence.


Sleight of Hand exists to help people become even better and more truer versions of themselves. As a result, we are honored that you are considering us to assist in your journey to live a more grateful life. Let’s get started down that worthy path together by scheduling a consultation at our downtown Vancouver studio.


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Sleight of Hand

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