Tattoo News 2023

We’re not much for traditional news here at Sleight of Hand (SOH). It’s frankly depressing, frustrating, and often pointless to follow along with. However, when we catch wind of tattoo topics we tend to stop scrolling through our newsfeeds and dig deeper. The reason being, is that these stories may inspire your own upcoming concepts and designs. Below are a few current news stories that fit the bill. Let’s review!

Mainstream and Pop-Culture News that May Impact Plans for Your Next Tattoo

Ben & J-Lo Get Matching Tattoos

We know – this is less Bureau of Investigative Journalism and more TMZ, but let us have our fun. On-again off-again celebrity couple Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez celebrated their first Valentine’s Day as a married couple by getting matching tattoos last week. J-Lo took to Instagram to showcase their new ink, along with some cute and cuddly photos of them enjoying their union (reunion).


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The intent in sharing this “story” is to connect to those of you who are considering a couple’s tattoo with some helpful articles below:

Survivor Turns Scars into Inspiring TattooTattoo News 2023

Source: The Insider

We move on from celebrity gossip to something more meaningful with this next story. This week, the Insider reported on an inspiring story about a breast cancer survivor who turned her mastectomy scars into a canvas of artistic expression. After allowing enough time for her physical scars to heal, Jacqueline Van Schaik tackled a few of the emotional ones that crept up every time she looked in the mirror. Now when she does, she can smile instead of cry:

“It took away my self-esteem, the way I looked at my body. I wasn’t a very handsome woman, but I was alright… That’s gone, you know, when you come out the shower and you see the scars in the mirror. I cried a lot […] Now, two years later, for me, it’s okay. I look at the tattoo now, and I don’t see the scars anymore. And it really works.” (The Insider)

If you, or someone you know, is living with a scar that is a reminder of past trauma, we encourage you to find inspiration in Jacqueline’s story. Sleight of Hand in downtown Vancouver BC offers a safe and welcoming environment that you won’t find at most other studios. Contact us today to discuss the possibilities.

Honoring Culture Through Tattoos

A pair of stories were published this month, shedding light on how tattoos can serve as a means to honor and retain one’s culture.

One story from overseas featured a Japanese tattooist who is bringing back the once-banned tradition of hajichi body art for the indigenous Ryukyu people of Okinawa. While tattoos are still frowned upon in some Japanese circles, youth are leading the resurgence, with cultural revival playing an important role:

While tattoos are still often frowned upon in Japanese society, younger generations are increasingly open to body art. But Heshiki thinks hajichi should not become just another fad. She offers traditional patterns to those with roots in Okinawa, and takes time to discuss the markings and meanings with clients beforehand”


“It’s healing generational trauma,” she says. “And bringing back this culture that was stolen from us […]We form connection a lot through these tattoos because it’s not just tattoos,” she says. “It’s our sacred markings that have been a part of us forever and it’s just now coming back.”


If you’re looking for a tattoo concept that you’ll never regret, consider one that honors your culture and heritage.


CALL: 604.336.9177


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Sleight of Hand

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