What to Look for in a Tattoo Artist - How to Choose


To follow-up on our recent article about how to choose a tattoo studio in the new world, we now move on to an even more important consideration – the tattoo artist. After all, they will be the one to ink a work of art on to your body. And assuming that you’re happy with the result, it will live with you forever. While you can certainly (and should) read through available online reviews and bios about a given artist, there are other exceedingly relevant deliberations. Here they are.


3 Things to Look for When Choosing a Tattooist for Your Next Work of Body Art in 2021-22 (and Beyond)



I. They Work from a Professional and Modern Studio

They say that one’s home tells their story and has a lot to say about their personality. The same goes for the studio a tattoo artist chooses to make their place of residency. It’s a vice versa relationship, as the choice of tattooists also says a lot of about a studio. But as far as your deliberation is concerned, it’s pretty clear. Choose a tattoo artist that works from a modern and professional shop that sets itself apart from the others that line the downtown district you will be visiting. You don’t want a run-of-the-mill tattoo, so you don’t want to frequent a cookie-cutter shop, and most importantly, you don’t want to meet characterless artists that are often found within them. To reiterate, the studio itself says a lot about the tattoo artist, so proceed accordingly.


“Our downtown Vancouver studio has carefully selected tattoo artists to cover a wide spectrum of designs and concepts. Getting to know your tattooist is a great way to build a connection, and gain confidence that your work is in the right hands.” (About SOH)

II. The 3 Ps

Gone are the days of gruff, surly, and downright grumpy tattooists who act like it’s a chore to apply a work of art to your body. Sure, they may still exist in the dark recesses of Greater Vancouver, but they are a dying breed. Contemporary studios that want to sustain and stay relevant train and/or hire tattooists of a different pedigree. These new tattooists function by the 3 Ps. What are the 3 Ps for today’s topic?


Professional, Personable, and Patient.


Professionalism is made evident by a tattooist’s workstation (clean, sanitized, and well-organized) and the way they conduct themselves (with coworkers, the visiting public, and clients) in a studio environment. You will be able to gauge this criteria upon your first consultation, just as you will when it comes to them being personable. Trust your instincts on the latter, as if it feels right, it feels right. There should be a connection before proceeding. Lastly, patience is more than a virtue when it comes to choosing a tattoo artist – studios should make it a requirement. You are making a major life decision, and are choosing a work of art that will be with you forevermore. If a given artist appears agitated or even indifferent as you mull over your options with them – leave. If instead they are attentive and put froth an effort to help you come up with a design/theme that gets you excited, you’ve found the right tattoo artist. Again, the initial consultation is imperative.


III. Talent, Experience, and Passion for Your Desired Theme


This is extremely important. You have a concept in mind for your tattoo. This concept connects to certain colors, styles, shapes, eras, and all of the nuances that have carried tattooing through the last 4000 years. You need to find an artist that not only specializes in a certain concept/theme, but one that is intensely passionate about it. This talent, experience, and passion will be evident in the end result. For this exact reason, our tattoo studio has curated a diversity of talents. Do you want an artist who specializes in blackwork with neo-traditional influence? How about someone with expertise in simple, clean and minimalist lines? Maybe an individual that excels in illustrative art inspired by animals, mysticism and nature? Perhaps a tattoo artist that could also be an executive at an architecture firm, drawing up architectural-themes for their next project? Maybe an artist with a strong resume of neo-traditional Asian-style tattoos ? You get the idea. Within our studio is a tattoo artist that is perfect for you. Have a look to see who you connect with.


What to look for in a tattoo artist? You’ve already found who you’ve been seeking, you just haven’t met them yet. Let’s make that happen. Schedule a consultation at Sleight of Hand Tattoo studio in downtown Vancouver.

Written By:

Sleight of Hand

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