Finger Tattoo Vancouver

Over a decade ago, many people who wanted to get tattooed on their fingers didn’t do so because they were afraid about how it may have impacted their career prospects and/or how certain (ignorant) people may perceive them as individuals. Times have changed. In 2024 and beyond, those who judge others for having highly visible tattoos are the ones being judged. As a result, people who want to express themselves by getting inked on the most exposed part of the body (aside from the face) are going for it. If you’re among them, we applaud you! The best step is to figure out where to get a finger tattoo in Vancouver. The good news, is that you have already been pointed in the right direction by finding this article. Below is a breakdown of why Sleight of Hand Tattoo on Granville Street is your best option in the BC Lower Mainland.

Why Choose Sleight of Hand When Getting Your Fingers Tattooed in Vancouver BC

Script and Lettering Tattoo Specialists

One of the most popular concepts for a finger tattoo is lettering. While any studio can manage script on large parts of the body (upper back, chest, etc.) few can manage detailed script on the smallest of all canvases. This is why SOH is your top pick. Our family includes one of Vancouver’s top script tattoo artists. He excels in all types of lettering, including calligraphy.

Finger Tattoo Vancouver

Micro and Micro-Realism Tattoo Specialists

Another tattoo style that works for the fingers is micro-tattooing. These tattoos are exactly as they sound. They are very small yet can be quite detailed when done by a highly skilled tattoo artist. Sleight of Hand’s micro-realism specialist can work miracles with her fingers, on yours.

Fine Line Tattoo Specialists

Fine line tattooing is also ideal for fingers, especially in regard to certain concepts such as inked-on wedding rings and celestial designs like stars. Our resident fine line tattoo artist will deliver on your desire for a subtle yet statement making tattoo.

Finger Tattoo Vancouver

Ready to get your fingers tattooed? The first step is to use them to tap to call or email Sleight of Hand in Downtown Vancouver to schedule your appointment. Alternatively, you can walk-in for a consultation at your convenience.




CALL TO BOOK: 604-336-9177


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Sleight of Hand

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